/The Chan Tea Musical
/The wonderful Chan and Tea Musical achieved a great success in Sri Lanka, the lotus-like Buddhism country
The wonderful Chan and Tea Musical achieved a great success in Sri Lanka, the lotus-like Buddhism country
2016-06-21 21-08-00 来源: 作者: 点击:次
禅茶妙韵唱响斯里兰卡莲花佛国——中华原创禅茶音乐会圆满落幕 The wonderful Chan and Tea Musical achieved a great success in Sri Lanka, the lotus-like Buddhism country
西里塞纳总统与音乐会全体演职人员合影留念(摄影:姚勇) President Maithripala Sirisena of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the whole cast of Chan and Tea Musical (photography by Yong Yao)
雨后初霁,天色清新。斯里兰卡首都科伦坡当地时间2016年5月22日晚21时,座无虚席的国家大剧院梵音缭绕,茶韵飘香,在全体演出人员合唱《佛宝赞》中,中华原创禅茶音乐会——走进斯里兰卡圆满落幕。 Right after a rain, the sky of Colombo, capital city of Sri Lanka turned clear on May 22nd, 2016. The beautiful tune and the fragrance of tea spread to every corner of the packed Nelum Pokuna Theater. At 9 pm, the chorus of Eulogising The Buddha brought Chinese Chan Tea Musical in Sri Lanka came to a perfect end.
易先良大使(左四)陪同斯里兰卡总统西里塞纳(左三)、总理维克勒马辛哈(左二)观看音乐会(摄影:姚勇) President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena (the third from left) and Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe (the second from left) were accompanied by ambassador of P.R.China Xianliang Yi (the fourth from left) in Chan Tea Musical. (photography by Yong Yao)
本次音乐会受斯里兰卡佛教智慧之伞、国际佛教研究和信息中心之邀,由山东省博山正觉寺、斯里兰卡佛教智慧之伞、斯里兰卡服务基金会联合举办。中国驻斯里兰卡大使易先良陪同斯里兰卡总统西里塞纳、总理维克勒马辛哈等政界高层,斯里兰卡佛教及各界代表,以及驻斯中资机构和华侨华人代表等千余名观众观看了演出。 Invited by Sadaham Savanna Sri Lanka and International Buddhism Research and Information Center, Chan Tea Musical was co-organized by Boshan Zhengjue Monastery, Sadaham Sevana of Sri Lanka and Sevalanka foundation. Chinese ambassador Xianliang Yi accompanied President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe attended the concert. In addition, thousands of representatives from government, Sri Lanka Buddhism, commercial business, as well as overseas Chinese enjoyed the performance.
斯里兰卡佛教高僧诵经祈福世界和平(摄影:姚勇) Venerable Masters from Sri Lanka were chanting Sutra to pray for world peace. (photography by Yong Yao)
斯里兰卡艺术家极具民族色彩的歌舞(摄影:姚勇、吉艳) Dance performance infused with rich Sri Lanka national colors from Sri Lanka artist (photography by Yong Yao and Jiyan)
音乐会开始前,18位斯里兰卡佛教高僧诵经祈福吉祥,身着绚丽服装的斯里兰卡艺术家们演出音乐情景剧《Spiritual Harvesting》以极具民族特色的舞蹈、优美如歌的小提琴和欢快的鼓声表达对远方客人的热烈欢迎。 Before the opening of the concert, eighteen Venerable Masters from Sri Lanka recited Sutras to prey for blessings and auspiciousness. After that Sir Lanka artist performed a musical “Spiritual Harvesting”, with dances infused with rich Sri Lanka national colors, beautiful violin performance, and cheerful drumbeats. All of these great performances were gifts to warmly welcome their special guests from China.
禅修茶道《春·萌发生长·茶趣》(摄影:姚勇) Chan meditation with tea ceremony “Spring, Sprouting and Growing, Pleasure of tea” (photography by Yong Yao)
禅修茶道《夏·枝繁叶茂·禅悦》(摄影:姚勇) Chan meditation with tea ceremony “Summer, Flourish, Pleasure of Chan mediation” (photography by Yong Yao)
禅修茶道《秋·收获吉祥·分享》(摄影:姚勇) Chan meditation with tea ceremony “Autumn, Harvesting, Sharing” (photography by Yong Yao)
禅修茶道《冬·含藏空灵·一味》(摄影:姚勇) Chan meditation with tea ceremony “Winter, Storing and emptiness, Oneness of Chan and tea” (photography by Yong Yao)
本次音乐会沿袭禅修茶道经典的四个篇章:《春·萌发生长·茶趣》《夏·枝繁叶茂·禅悦》《秋·收获吉祥·分享》《冬·含藏空灵·一味》。晚会以禅修茶道为主线,春日茶园仙子们的礼敬歌赞、夏日禅院清凉如水的琴音、秋时收获满满的感恩与分享、冬月品茶参禅的心灵回归。禅师们专注、从容,燃灯焚香、煮水烫盏、赏茶投茶、洗茶泡茶、品茶品心,优雅的动作如行云流水,与歌者的咏唱、演奏者的琴音和舞者的倾情演绎,在大自然的音声画中融为一体,为斯里兰卡观众带来禅意芬芳的视听盛宴。 This concert consisted of four classic chapters: “Spring, Sprouting and growing, Pleasure of tea”, “Summer, Flourish, Pleasure of Chan mediation”, “Autumn, Harvesting, Sharing” and “Winter, Storing and emptiness, Oneness of Chan and tea”. The main theme was practice Chan meditation in tea ceremony, along with the tea fairies singing in garden at spring, the voice of Chinese zither in monastery at summer, the joy and thankfulness at fall, and the peaceful minded with the tea savoring and Chan mediation at winter. All the steps of tea ceremony: light incense, boil the water and wash the tea pot, put tea leaves into the pot, make tea, taste tea with heart were performed by practitioner in a calm, concentrate, peaceful and continuous way. The performance were nicely complemented by singing, voice of the instrument, and dancing, and finally melted into a wonderful piece of art and presented to the audience.
仁炟法师领众唱诵《佛宝赞》(摄影:姚勇) Ven. Master Ren Da leading the chanting of of Eulogising The Buddha (photography by Yong Yao)
演出结束后,斯总统西里塞纳对新华社记者表示对今天的演出赞叹不已。他说,中国佛教艺术家的精彩表演,使当地观众领略到了博大精深的中华文化包括佛教文化艺术的精髓,而斯中两国艺术家精彩的同台表演更为被誉为佛国的斯里兰卡观众奉献了一场精妙的艺术盛宴。他还表示,斯中两国一直保持着亲密的友好关系,希望今后能够在斯里兰卡看到更多中国文化文艺演出,为有着悠久历史的两国传统友好关系添彩。 After the concert, President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena gave his comments to the reporter of Xinhua News Agency: it was a marvelous performance. He said, the great performance from Chinese buddhism artist introduced the wonderful Chinese culture as well as Chinese buddhism culture to Sri Lanka people. The co-performance from artists of both countries gave a great show. Sri Lanka and China always keep very close friendship and he hope that more Chinese culture performances can be held in Sri Lanka in the future to make the friendship even stronger.
仁炟法师与斯里兰卡总统西里塞纳相互致意(摄影:姚勇) Ven. Ren Da and President of Sri Lanka greet each other (photography by Yong Yao)
斯里兰卡总统心灵顾问、议员长老拉塔纳尊者赞叹禅修茶道是大众喜闻乐见的文化交流方式。斯里兰卡是著名的红茶出口国,悠久的茶文化更需要禅文化的融合。本次音乐会的演出非常成功,有三个特点:第一,音乐会的表现形式很现代和前卫,朝气蓬勃,可以摄受和吸引更多的年轻人;第二,禅乐和表演很宁静、很有禅意,可以获得禅定的喜悦和安宁;第三,直指人心,可以给人以心灵的启迪。本次中华原创禅茶音乐会在斯里兰卡科伦坡国家大剧院举办,这将是两国禅茶文化交流的新篇章。 The mind consultant of the president, member of legislative body Ven. MP. Athuraliye RathanaThera praised that practicing Chan in tea ceremony is a well creative and acceptable way of culture exchange for both countries. Sri Lanka is well known for black tea export, the long history of tea also needs to merge with Chan. He also congratulates on the success of the musical. There are three major features of the concert: 1. The form of the concert is quite modern and avant-garde, full of vitality, it could attract more young people. 2. The music and performance is peaceful and full of the Chan spirit. 3. It enlightened the people’s mind. The Chan Tea Musical was hosted in Nelum Pokuna Theater and it opened a new chapter on culture exchange between Sri Lanka and China.
斯里兰卡总统心灵顾问、议员长老拉塔纳尊者(摄影:姚勇) The mind consultant of the president, member of legislative body Ven. MP. Athuraliye RathanaThera (photography by Yong Yao)
博山正觉寺方丈仁炟法师表示,中国和斯里兰卡的交往源远流长,一千六百多年前中国僧人的法显法师不远万里,来到斯里兰卡,在这里求得了《沙弥塞律》、《长阿含》、《杂阿含》以及《杂藏经》等四部佛经,其中包括戒律方面的经典。这次我们为斯里兰卡观众带来了中华原创禅茶音乐会,是一千六百多年后的回归和反哺。我们尝试着把茶桌搬上舞台,把国家大剧院变成禅堂,希望禅修茶道和中华原创禅茶音乐会给大家带来心灵的宁静和喜悦。希望大家喜欢。祝福大家卫塞节快乐,祝福大家吉祥如意! Abbot of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery, Ven. Ren Da mentioned that there is a long history of friendship between China and Sri Lanka. One thousand and six hundred years ago, the Chinese Ven. Master Fa-hsien traveled thousand miles to Sri Lanka. From here he brought back four Sutras (Mahīsasakavinaya,Dirghagama-sutra,Sa?yuttāgama and K?udraka-sūtra) to China including the Sutra on Precepts. The performance we brought here today was a way to give back. We tried to put tea tables on the stage, transformed the theater to the place of Chan meditation, hoping this concert bring peaceful mind and happiness to everyone. We hope everyone enjoyed it. Wish everyone a wonderful Vesak and all the best.
仁炟法师(摄影:姚勇) Ven. Master Ren Da (photography by Yong Yao)
现场观众被深深吸引(摄影:姚勇) The audiences are fully attracted by the performance ( photography by Yong Yao)
观众Amaracinghe夫妇在音乐会落幕后,久久不愿离去,他们表达了内心的感受:我们第一次观看到这样的演出,太震撼了!每一个节目都是那么美好。 After the show, Amaracinghe couple did not want to leave the theater. They said this is the first time they watched a terrific performance like this and they were very much touched. Every programme in the program were so beautiful.